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What We Do

Our structure

We conduct weekly visits to the red light areas of Hong Kong. During outreach, we convey one important message to the women: there is a place to go for help. They can reach us by phone and various messaging apps. We invite them to visit our drop-in center, where they can access crisis intervention and emergency relief services.

We reach out to the marginalized in Hong Kong's Red Light districts

We provide access to crisis intervention services.

We provide 12 months of counselling and training to prepare them for new lives.

Aftercare is a 1-year transition programme that helps sexually exploited persons leave the commercial sex industry, journey through recovery, be empowered and equipped for a healthy and sustainable life thereafter. The programme includes weekly counseling, case worker meetings, skills training, financial literacy, and business skills. We also support the women to gain a recognized vocational qualification, putting them on the path to building new careers. Our social enterprise, ReStore, also comes under the Aftercare programme.

We offer a real-life work environment and skills training for our beneficiaries.


We go all the way – supporting beneficiaries as their new lives begin.

We provide access to crisis intervention services.

We conduct weekly visits to the red light areas of Hong Kong. During outreach, we convey one important message to the women: there is a place to go for help. They can reach us by phone and various messaging apps. We invite them to visit our drop-in center, where they can access crisis intervention and emergency relief services.

We offer a real-life work environment and skills training for our beneficiaries.

We provide reintegration support for international women who are repatriated back to their home countries after our Aftercare programme. We connect them with partner churches, nonprofits and communities in their countries, who can continue to support and walk alongside them as they start their new chapter of life. Our team also travels to visit and follow up with these women.

ReStore aims to increase the personal capacity of individuals who have chosen to leave exploitation, empowering them to achieve sustainable independent means of living. We train our beneficiaries in a real life work environment where they have a structured schedule and learning. By selling the products that are produced during training we show them that making an alternative income is possible and the proceeds also help to provide money for their families. Most of our beneficiaries are single mothers and families to support financially.

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